
La Rhonda Bradley Ministries is a 501 c3 and is a Oneness Ministry that focuses on The Unity of the Spirit

LBM oversees The Oneness Spiritual Center

LBM operates as:

* One Body

* One Spirit

* Called in One Hope

* One Lord

* One Faith

* One Baptism

* One God & Father of All who is above all, through all, and in you all

* Sovereign over all

LBM Strategic Goals & Specializations:

We assist individuals & families with leading lives worthy of the Divine Calling.

We train & Develop Leaders & encourage them to strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony & Oneness of the Spirit in the Binding of Peace

We overcome the World by believing and trusting in Christ Jesus, the Son of God who came by Water & Blood.  And it is the Spirit that bears witness because the Spirit is Truth.  For there are (3) that bear record in Heaven, The Father, The Word and the Holy Ghost: and these (3) are ONE.  And there are (3) that bear witness in the Earth, The Spirit, The Water, and The Blood: and these (3) agree in ONE.

We focus on relationship building & strengths enhancement

We help individuals think differently and strategically to build on their core values and beliefs

We assist with Faith Formation, Spiritual Growth & Development

We assist with Soul Transformation (providing sincere counsel of the soul-Holistic Healing)

We provide Oneness Coaching

We train and develop leaders on practical ways to govern in the earth by operating from a theocratic model, implementing the keys of the Kingdom and walking as Kingdom Faith Ambassadors

We assist individuals and families with sharpening intellectual, emotional, spiritual and relational life

We provide Spiritual Consultations & Assessments 

We provide Strategic Prayer Strategies 

We co-create relationships and create a safe & supportive environment to establish mutual respect and trust by being eager maintain an atmosphere of harmony & oneness of the Spirit in the Binding Power of Peace

We minister toward buiding up the body of Christ Jesus

We provide counseling, training, seminars and retreats that assist with living this oneness of the Spirit lifestyle by teaching principles that will equip you to comprehend the full accurate knowledge of the Son of God and to experience the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and the completeness found in him

We teach you strategies to assist you with being constantly renewed in the Spirit of your Mind and to have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude by putting on your New Nature (regenerated self) created in God's image and likeness in true righteousness and holiness